America the Beautiful (film) Circarama (360 degree) film which originally opened at the Brussels World’s Fair in 1958 and was brought to Disneyland in 1960. A tour of the United States. 16 min. The film was reshot in 1967 as a Circle-Vision 360 film for the new Tomorrowland at Disneyland. The new film opened on June 25, 1967 and ran 18 min. It was revised again in 1975 to include sequences of Philadelphia for the American Bicentennial. It closed on January 3, 1984, to be followed by American Journeys. The film was shot with nine cameras, arranged on a circular stand. Shown in Tomorrowland in Magic Kingdom Park at Walt Disney World from November 25, 1971 until March 15, 1974, and from March 15, 1975 until September 9, 1984, and followed there also by American Journeys. America the Beautiful was released on 16mm film at normal screen size for educational use in 1980.